Solar storm heads Earth's way after double sun blasts

Solar storm heads Earth's way after double sun blasts
The Aurora Australis is observed from the International Space Station during a geomagnetic storm on May 29, 2010 (AFP Photo)

Northern lights over Terschelling, Friesland..

Northern lights over Terschelling, Friesland..
(Terschelling, Friesland, Netherlands - 27-28 February, 2014)

Northern lights delight Dutch in surprise showing in north and east.

Northern lights delight Dutch in surprise showing in north and east.
Still from timelapse film by Schylgefilm (Terschelling, Friesland, Netherlands - 17 Mar 2015)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"A Summary" – Apr 2, 2011 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Religion, Shift of Human Consciousness, 2012, Intelligent/Benevolent Design, EU, South America, 5 Currencies, Water Cycle (Heat up, Mini Ice Ace, Oceans, Fish, Earthquakes ..), Middle East, Internet, Israel, Dictators, Palestine, US, Japan (Quake/Tsunami Disasters , People, Society ...), Nuclear Power Revealed, Hydro Power, Geothermal Power, Moon, Financial Institutes (Recession, Realign integrity values ..) , China, North Korea, Global Unity,..... etc.) -

“ … Here is another one. A change in what Human nature will allow for government. "Careful, Kryon, don't talk about politics. You'll get in trouble." I won't get in trouble. I'm going to tell you to watch for leadership that cares about you. "You mean politics is going to change?" It already has. It's beginning. Watch for it. You're going to see a total phase-out of old energy dictatorships eventually. The potential is that you're going to see that before 2013.

They're going to fall over, you know, because the energy of the population will not sustain an old energy leader ..."
"Update on Current Events" – Jul 23, 2011 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) - (Subjects: The Humanization of God, Gaia, Shift of Human Consciousness, 2012, Benevolent Design, Financial Institutes (Recession, System to Change ...), Water Cycle (Heat up, Mini Ice Ace, Oceans, Fish, Earthquakes ..), Nuclear Power Revealed, Geothermal Power, Hydro Power, Drinking Water from Seawater, No need for Oil as Much, Middle East in Peace, Persia/Iran Uprising, Muhammad, Israel, DNA, Two Dictators to fall soon, Africa, China, (Old) Souls, Species to go, Whales to Humans, Global Unity,..... etc.)
(Subjects: Who/What is Kryon ?, Egypt Uprising, Iran/Persia Uprising, Peace in Middle East without Israel actively involved, Muhammad, "Conceptual" Youth Revolution, "Conceptual" Managed Business, Internet, Social Media, News Media, Google, Bankers, Global Unity,..... etc.)

"The Recalibration of Awareness – Apr 20/21, 2012 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Old Energy, Recalibration Lectures, God / Creator, Religions/Spiritual systems (Catholic Church, Priests/Nun’s, Worship, John Paul Pope, Women in the Church otherwise church will go, Current Pope won’t do it), Middle East, Jews, Governments will change (Internet, Media, Democracies, Dictators, North Korea, Nations voted at once), Integrity (Businesses, Tobacco Companies, Bankers/ Financial Institutes, Pharmaceutical company to collapse), Illuminati (Started in Greece, with Shipping, Financial markets, Stock markets, Pharmaceutical money (fund to build Africa, to develop)), Shift of Human Consciousness, (Old) Souls, Women, Masters to/already come back, Global Unity.... etc.) - (Text version)

… The Shift in Human Nature

You're starting to see integrity change. Awareness recalibrates integrity, and the Human Being who would sit there and take advantage of another Human Being in an old energy would never do it in a new energy. The reason? It will become intuitive, so this is a shift in Human Nature as well, for in the past you have assumed that people take advantage of people first and integrity comes later. That's just ordinary Human nature.

In the past, Human nature expressed within governments worked like this: If you were stronger than the other one, you simply conquered them. If you were strong, it was an invitation to conquer. If you were weak, it was an invitation to be conquered. No one even thought about it. It was the way of things. The bigger you could have your armies, the better they would do when you sent them out to conquer. That's not how you think today. Did you notice?

Any country that thinks this way today will not survive, for humanity has discovered that the world goes far better by putting things together instead of tearing them apart. The new energy puts the weak and strong together in ways that make sense and that have integrity. Take a look at what happened to some of the businesses in this great land (USA). Up to 30 years ago, when you started realizing some of them didn't have integrity, you eliminated them. What happened to the tobacco companies when you realized they were knowingly addicting your children? Today, they still sell their products to less-aware countries, but that will also change.

What did you do a few years ago when you realized that your bankers were actually selling you homes that they knew you couldn't pay for later? They were walking away, smiling greedily, not thinking about the heartbreak that was to follow when a life's dream would be lost. Dear American, you are in a recession. However, this is like when you prune a tree and cut back the branches. When the tree grows back, you've got control and the branches will grow bigger and stronger than they were before, without the greed factor. Then, if you don't like the way it grows back, you'll prune it again! I tell you this because awareness is now in control of big money. It's right before your eyes, what you're doing. But fear often rules. …

Koningsdag 2024

Koningsdag 2024

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

India forces companies to start charitable giving

Google – AFP, Adam Plowright (AFP), 19 Sep 2013

An Indian beggar waits for donations in Agartala on August 9, 2013
(AFP/File, Arindam Dey)

NEW DELHI — India's government still struggles to provide reliable basic services to a majority of its citizens, trapping hundreds of millions of them in poverty. Now the country's richest firms have been told they must help.

Under the new amended Companies Act passed last month by parliament, large businesses have been asked to spend 2.0 percent of their profits each year on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR).

"The idea is that if we could divert some corporate energy and the corporate way of doing business into our development sector, for a country like India it could help enormously," the head of the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), Bhaskar Chatterjee, explained to AFP.

CSR is broadly -- some say vaguely -- defined in the law to mean funding programmes for education, poverty alleviation, protecting the environment or tackling disease, among others.

An Indian mother sits with her children
 outside their slum home strewn with
 garbage in Mumbai on June 4, 2013 
(AFP/File, Indranil Mukherjee)
It's one of the first such laws of its kind in the world, promising a cash bonanza for charities and non-government organisations (NGOs) while raising serious concerns the funds could worsen India's endemic corruption.

CSR has been imposed across much of corporate India. Any business with sales of more than 10 billion rupees ($156 million), a net worth of 5.0 billion rupees, or bottom-line profits of 50 million rupees is liable.

They must set up a board to implement and report on the company's CSR policy, in theory ensuring that an average of 2.0 percent of the net profits of the previous three years is spent annually.

Failure to report on this spending, as with other financial disclosure requirements, will result in fines and possibly imprisonment for a company's directors.

IICA, a business group established by the ministry of corporate affairs, calculates that 7,000 companies qualify, creating a possible annual pool of funds estimated at 120-150 billion rupees ($1.9-2.4 billion).

Sidharth Birla, president-elect of business group FICCI, says that corporate India lobbied hard against previous drafts of the law that would have forced companies to spend their profits.

"If they had made it mandatory then what would have stopped any other authority from imposing a burden on the company?" he told AFP, reprising one of the arguments against mandatory spending.

The final law says companies should set aside 2.0 percent of profits for CSR and must report on their activities, but it also gives them an easy get-out -- there are no sanctions for failing to spend the money.

File photo shows Indian homeless eating
 food at a feeding programme for the poor
in Hyderabad (AFP/File, Noah Seelam)
"We have been given to understand that you could well report that 'I have seen everything and I can't spend it'," Birla said.

The success of the CSR revolution will therefore depend on how companies approach the new rules, says Samir Saran from the New Delhi-based think-tank Observer Research Foundation.

The money could become a sort of "slush fund" channelled into charities and NGOs run by politicians -- "a legal way of bribing," says Saran -- or into foundations run as pet projects by the family members of business owners.

"We have to be sure that this is not another policy with good intentions and horrible consequences," he told AFP. "It is how it is implemented that will decide its success."

One early alarm bell was the government in the central state of Chhattisgarh asking companies to deposit their CSR funds with the chief minister's Community Development Fund earlier this week.

Saran favours mandatory CSR overall as a way of forcing good corporate behaviour. The Indian private sector "is notorious for not having participated in the social agenda," he says.

Though broadly true, not all can be tarred. The sprawling Tata conglomerate, owner of Jaguar LandRover and India's biggest software company, is a global leader in corporate giving and is controlled by a charitable trust.

The founder of software group Wipro, Azim Premji, has followed the example of US billionaires Bill Gates and Warren Buffett by handing large parts of his fortune to his education charity.

But for the majority of companies with little or no experience in CSR, they will depend on external charities, foundations and NGOs amid questions about their capacity to absorb the cash.

File photo of Indian homeless asleep in the
 shade of a bank advertisement in New Delhi
 (AFP/File, Raveendran)
India's charity sector is rich in organisations -- 1.2 million, according to the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) -- and low in regulation.

In November 2011, the national audit authority published a damning report showing that only 3.5 percent of the NGOs which received grants from the environment ministry completed their projects.

Peter ter Weeme, co-founder of international sustainability consultancy Junxion, which has an office in New Delhi, stresses that capacity as well as corruption is a huge problem.

"I've seen in North America where large corporations wrote one-million-dollar cheques to NGOs," he told AFP. "The NGOs couldn't handle that sort of money."

State-run companies have been subject to mandatory CSR for years but they are sitting on cash piles with "no idea how to spend it," he said.

He commended India becoming "probably the first country to have the most broad far-reaching legislation on the subject" -- Nigeria and Malaysia are considering something similar -- but there are obvious flaws.

"One of the biggest issues it doesn't address is corruption. If anything it might even exacerbate it," he concluded.

Related Articles:

India's parliament approves landmark food security program

“…  Tesla the Man

There was a point in time when humanity almost stumbled, by the way. You were having a hard time with electricity. So a man came along who was way ahead of his time and was available and his name was Nikola Tesla. He gave you a principle that today you call alternating current. Dear ones, I challenge you to understand this principle. Most of you can't, because it is not in 3D. The attributes are still considered "genius-level thinking" to this day. The whole idea of the kind of electricity you use today comes from this man's quantum mind.

That was all he was allowed to do. Tesla himself was a kind of time capsule, delivered at the right time. He had more, but alternating current was all that was allowed to be given to the planet at that time. Oh, he tried to give you more. He knew there were other things, but nothing was able to be developed. If I told you what else he had discovered, you might not be aware of it at all, since it was never allowed to get out of the box. Earth was not ready for it.

Tesla discovered massless objects. He could alter the mass of atomic structure using designer magnetics, but he never could control it. He had objects fly off his workbench and hit the ceiling, but he couldn't duplicate or control it. It just wasn't time yet. Do you know what else he was known for? It was seemingly the failure of the transmission of electricity. However, he didn't fail at all.

There are pictures of his tower, but every time a Human Being sees a tower, there is a biased assumption that something is going to be broadcast through the air. But in the case of Tesla, he had figured out how to broadcast electricity through the ground. You need towers for that because they have to pick up the magnetics within the ground in a certain way to broadcast them and then collect them again from the nodes of the planet's magnetic grid system. We talked about this before. He was utilizing the grid of the planet that is in the earth itself! He was on the edge of showing that you could use the whole grid of the planet magnetically to broadcast electricity and pick it up where you need it, safely, with no wires. But the earth was not ready for it.

Tesla died a broken man, filled with ideas that would have brought peace to planet Earth, but he was simply not allowed to give any of them to you.

Now I'll tell you why he was stopped, dear ones, and it's the first time we have ever told you – because these inventions were too easy to weaponize. Humanity just isn't ready for it. You're not ready for massless objects, either, for the principles are too easy to weaponize.

"So," you might say, "when will we be ready for it?" I think you already know the answer, don't you? At the time when Human consciousness reaches a point where that which is most important is unification and not separation, it will happen. A point where conquering and power are not desirable ideas or assets. A point where humanity will measure the strength of its population by how healthy they are and not by economic growth. A point where coming together with your neighbor is the main objective to social consciousness, and not conquering them or eliminating them. That's coming, dear ones. It's a ways away, but it's coming. Look around the planet at the moment. The old energy leaders are obvious, are they not? It's like they are relics in a world of thinking that is passing them by.  ….”

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