Solar storm heads Earth's way after double sun blasts

Solar storm heads Earth's way after double sun blasts
The Aurora Australis is observed from the International Space Station during a geomagnetic storm on May 29, 2010 (AFP Photo)

Northern lights over Terschelling, Friesland..

Northern lights over Terschelling, Friesland..
(Terschelling, Friesland, Netherlands - 27-28 February, 2014)

Northern lights delight Dutch in surprise showing in north and east.

Northern lights delight Dutch in surprise showing in north and east.
Still from timelapse film by Schylgefilm (Terschelling, Friesland, Netherlands - 17 Mar 2015)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"A Summary" – Apr 2, 2011 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Religion, Shift of Human Consciousness, 2012, Intelligent/Benevolent Design, EU, South America, 5 Currencies, Water Cycle (Heat up, Mini Ice Ace, Oceans, Fish, Earthquakes ..), Middle East, Internet, Israel, Dictators, Palestine, US, Japan (Quake/Tsunami Disasters , People, Society ...), Nuclear Power Revealed, Hydro Power, Geothermal Power, Moon, Financial Institutes (Recession, Realign integrity values ..) , China, North Korea, Global Unity,..... etc.) -

“ … Here is another one. A change in what Human nature will allow for government. "Careful, Kryon, don't talk about politics. You'll get in trouble." I won't get in trouble. I'm going to tell you to watch for leadership that cares about you. "You mean politics is going to change?" It already has. It's beginning. Watch for it. You're going to see a total phase-out of old energy dictatorships eventually. The potential is that you're going to see that before 2013.

They're going to fall over, you know, because the energy of the population will not sustain an old energy leader ..."
"Update on Current Events" – Jul 23, 2011 (Kryon channelled by Lee Carroll) - (Subjects: The Humanization of God, Gaia, Shift of Human Consciousness, 2012, Benevolent Design, Financial Institutes (Recession, System to Change ...), Water Cycle (Heat up, Mini Ice Ace, Oceans, Fish, Earthquakes ..), Nuclear Power Revealed, Geothermal Power, Hydro Power, Drinking Water from Seawater, No need for Oil as Much, Middle East in Peace, Persia/Iran Uprising, Muhammad, Israel, DNA, Two Dictators to fall soon, Africa, China, (Old) Souls, Species to go, Whales to Humans, Global Unity,..... etc.)
(Subjects: Who/What is Kryon ?, Egypt Uprising, Iran/Persia Uprising, Peace in Middle East without Israel actively involved, Muhammad, "Conceptual" Youth Revolution, "Conceptual" Managed Business, Internet, Social Media, News Media, Google, Bankers, Global Unity,..... etc.)

"The Recalibration of Awareness – Apr 20/21, 2012 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Old Energy, Recalibration Lectures, God / Creator, Religions/Spiritual systems (Catholic Church, Priests/Nun’s, Worship, John Paul Pope, Women in the Church otherwise church will go, Current Pope won’t do it), Middle East, Jews, Governments will change (Internet, Media, Democracies, Dictators, North Korea, Nations voted at once), Integrity (Businesses, Tobacco Companies, Bankers/ Financial Institutes, Pharmaceutical company to collapse), Illuminati (Started in Greece, with Shipping, Financial markets, Stock markets, Pharmaceutical money (fund to build Africa, to develop)), Shift of Human Consciousness, (Old) Souls, Women, Masters to/already come back, Global Unity.... etc.) - (Text version)

… The Shift in Human Nature

You're starting to see integrity change. Awareness recalibrates integrity, and the Human Being who would sit there and take advantage of another Human Being in an old energy would never do it in a new energy. The reason? It will become intuitive, so this is a shift in Human Nature as well, for in the past you have assumed that people take advantage of people first and integrity comes later. That's just ordinary Human nature.

In the past, Human nature expressed within governments worked like this: If you were stronger than the other one, you simply conquered them. If you were strong, it was an invitation to conquer. If you were weak, it was an invitation to be conquered. No one even thought about it. It was the way of things. The bigger you could have your armies, the better they would do when you sent them out to conquer. That's not how you think today. Did you notice?

Any country that thinks this way today will not survive, for humanity has discovered that the world goes far better by putting things together instead of tearing them apart. The new energy puts the weak and strong together in ways that make sense and that have integrity. Take a look at what happened to some of the businesses in this great land (USA). Up to 30 years ago, when you started realizing some of them didn't have integrity, you eliminated them. What happened to the tobacco companies when you realized they were knowingly addicting your children? Today, they still sell their products to less-aware countries, but that will also change.

What did you do a few years ago when you realized that your bankers were actually selling you homes that they knew you couldn't pay for later? They were walking away, smiling greedily, not thinking about the heartbreak that was to follow when a life's dream would be lost. Dear American, you are in a recession. However, this is like when you prune a tree and cut back the branches. When the tree grows back, you've got control and the branches will grow bigger and stronger than they were before, without the greed factor. Then, if you don't like the way it grows back, you'll prune it again! I tell you this because awareness is now in control of big money. It's right before your eyes, what you're doing. But fear often rules. …

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Showing posts with label Akash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Akash. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Northern Lights provide spectacular show over the Netherlands

DutchNews, February 27, 2023 

The Northern Lights, seen from Terschellling. Photo: ANP / Hollandse
Hoogte / Kappers Media

The Northern Lights, an atmospheric phenomenon rarely seen in the Netherlands, were visible over large parts of the country on Sunday night. 

Sightings were recorded in Drenthe, Groningen, Gelderland and Friesland as well as the Wadden Islands. 

The Northern Lights, or the aurora borealis which are created when energized particles from the sun slam into the Earth’s upper atmosphere at extremely high speeds. The Earth’s magnetic field redirects them to the North and South Pole, creating the waves of coloured light.

Related Articles:

Solar storm delivers spectacular aurora displays and pictures

Solar storm heads Earth's way after double sun blasts

The Aurora Australis is observed from the International Space Station
During a geomagnetic storm on May 29, 2010 (AFP Photo)

Northern lights over Terschelling, Friesland. 27-28 February, 2014

'Monster' gamma ray burst in space sets record for death of star

Image provided by Nasa's Goddard
Space Flight Centre shows an artist's
 rendering of how a gamma ray burst
occurs. Photograph: AP 22 Nov 2013

"... Magnetics: Always a Player in The Shift

Many things are happening with the planet at the moment. The magnetics are changing as well. The magnetics of the solar system and the sun in particular, have an influence on your weather. How many sun spots have you seen lately? What do you think about the correlation of a sun that has very few, with your earth climate?  When can you remember that in your lifetime? What does it mean? I will tell you, dear Human Beings, that it's all related to what's happening on the earth. You may not understand the correlation, but I will tell you there is a profound one. What if [astronomy hint coming next], what if sun spots were created by gravitational and other interdimensional forces caused by the orbiting planets? Has there even been a correlation made between sun spots and the positions of the planets? Too weird? The invitation is there to see the correlations.

The sun is the fulcrum of the interdimensional gravitational pull attributes of the planets around it. There is information that is interdimensional – call it a gravitational patterning, if you wish – which the sun generates every moment of the day. As the planets push and pull on the fulcrum of the solar system [effect the sun through gravity], they affect the sun's attitude. These patterns are unique every day, and they intersect the magnetic field of the earth as they are blasted from the Sun in what you would call the solar wind.

The solar wind is a magnetic heliosphere, and has very multidimensional properties. This magnetic wind strikes the earth, intersecting with the magnetic field, and you can see it! You call it the Aurora Borealis. It's one giant magnetic field [the sun] intersecting another [the earth]. Science calls this intersecting phenomena inductance. In that intersecting energy, there is a transference of the informative patterning of the sun [at that moment] to the magnetic grid of the earth. Now, it's the magnetic grid of the planet that you sit in. All of life does.

Now we give you information we've given you before: The Merkabah. That is to say, your DNA imprint - the field around you - receives the magnetic grid's sun information, and the instructions within that field are passed right to the DNA, which is also magnetic. I have just given you the magnetic transmission chain that you think is esoteric. It's not. It's hard science. But to think that the interdimensional, magnetic and gravitational attributes of the solar system are going to your DNA is very esoteric. Some call it astrology. The truth is that it's for humanity, and also for Gaia! For remember that it is the earth that is part of the magnetic chain of information to your cellular structure [the Magnetic Grid]. It tells it when to do what it does. It's all related. So how related are you to Gaia? How much do you address this consciousness? ..."

“… Akashic Acuity

So we have established that you are moving into this new radiation, and we have established that it intersects the sun. The sun blasts your magnetic field with it (via the solar wind) and the magnetic field talks to your DNA. Suddenly, there is the potential some of your DNA is being unlocked. The attributes of unlocking Akashic acuity will help you to remember who you've been. Now, with this remembrance comes energy - not about who you were, but rather it gives you the energy of what you did. I don't mean physically; I mean energetically and mentally. Old souls carry with them experience. When you look into the eyes of a child, you're going to see wisdom just waiting to break out. Dear ones, these children are different. They are not going to go through what you did! They have a whole new set of issues, and most of their issues are trying to navigate the old issues you create for them!

There's something we brought up in a former channelling called the wisdom factor. Now, the wisdom factor is caused by Akashic acuity. After living Human life over and over, you start remembering the wisdom that you have gained through these past lifetimes. You don't necessarily remember who you were, but rather the fact that you were at all and the experiences you had. Imagine a child coming into the planet knowing how to read? Imagine a child coming into the planet knowing not to touch something hot? Where did it come from? You're going to see more of this, and a feeling of "been there, done that".

Akashic acuity is remembrance of experience during past lifetimes. As the child grows, that remembrance becomes pure wisdom. As the child starts to awaken and the pineal opens, something else happens. The grid starts talking to the child through the DNA, and in the grid is also the information from the time capsules we spoke about in past channellings. The time capsules start feeding the planet with increased wisdom and knowledge. You don't have to reincarnate to awaken even further! Akashic acuity means suddenly Humans know more than other children have in the past - much more.

Fast Tracking

This is the plan, and it's a fast-track system, an energy system for planetary ascension. It's going to take a long time to implement, dear ones, but it's beginning right now. You're going to see marginal evidence of this beginning to happen in 2015, 2016, 2017. You're going to see it slightly in many places. These energies take a long time to mature, and they're not all going to happen fast and instantaneous. Some of you are going to be convinced that the world is going through a dark place and you're all going with it. This is because you don't see the changes for what they are, and you don't understand what is really happening. We've said it before, that when you shine a lot of light in a dark place, the things that were always in the dark object. That's what you're seeing now, and you'll see more of it. These dark things were always there, but they just didn't have the light on them that you're placing on them now.  …”

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Nine-year-old Belgian prodigy set for university degree

AFP, Kenzo TRIBOUILLARD, 22 November 2019

The Belgian boy will in December become one of the world's youngest graduates

Like many other nine-year-olds, Laurent Simons likes TV and his pet dog. But he also wants to make artificial organs, and is about to get the qualifications to set him on his way.

The Belgian boy will in December receive a degree in electrical engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands, which will make him one of the world's youngest graduates.

Far from being fazed by his achievements, which also saw him complete the course in just nine months instead of the usual three years, Laurent says it's "normal" -- although he adds too that it's "cool".

"I'm currently studying electrical engineering. It's about designing circuits and things like that. So chips, actually," the mop-haired youngster told AFP in the Dutch capital Amsterdam.

He adds that "I really like karting. And I like playing with my dog and watching Netflix."

His teachers run out of superlatives to describe him.

"Laurent's qualities are all simply extraordinary," says Sjoerd Hulshof, programme director for electrical engineering at the university, a course that itself is considered particularly difficult.

The boy is "the quickest student we've ever seen. And he's not just hyper-intelligent, but very nice", Hulshof told AFP.

He was raised in Ostend by his grandparents until the start of this year, 
as his parents Alexander and Lydia were "busy with work

'Being a child'

While Laurent is studying in the labs of the university, his best friends are playing tag in the playground of his old school in the Belgian coastal resort of Ostend.

Laurent, wearing a rollneck jumper, jeans and trainers, himself says that "I don't really miss primary school, but I still have friends there."

He was raised in Ostend by his grandparents until the start of this year, as his parents Alexander and Lydia were "busy with work" in the Netherlands.

Starting school at four, he completed primary in a year and a half. It has taken him just five years to go through primary and secondary school and university.

"In the end, it's about finding a balance for the child so that he enjoys life, being a child and being mischievous," says Alexander, 37, a Belgian dentist who has a practice in the Dutch port city of Rotterdam.

"His grandfather and his grandmother, who raised him, told us already: he is very intelligent, more than the others... Then, when he was old enough to go to school, they kept doing tests on him from higher levels," adds Lydia, 29, who is Dutch and works as a dental assistant for her husband.

Laurent has to be accompanied to university by his parents

'I've only just started'

They are now selling the Rotterdam surgery so they can "completely dedicate" themselves to Laurent, who must be taken to university every day because he is too young to go by himself.

"He can't take the train himself," says Alexander, whose Amsterdam home features a huge black and white artwork of the faces of himself and his son.

His parents admit they "don't understand at all" the subjects that come so easily to Laurent, whose closest companions apart from his dog are his laptop and a book on integrated circuits.

Laurent says his goal now after receiving his degree in December is to "make artificial organs to prolong life".

The reason? He wants to help heart patients -- like his grand-parents.

"I still have to see how I'll do it. I've only just started."

His parents are now already in contact with universities in the United States as they eye another degree for their son.

Aware of the media attention that has recently surrounded his son, Alexander says his son is growing up in a healthy environment unlike "singers and pop stars."

"If, one day, we realise he's becoming big-headed, that he's becoming pretentious or arrogant, we'll put his feet back on the ground."

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"Common Questions from Non-Lightworkers" - Feb 2012 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll)

"... Question Three: Is there life on other planets?

... I will tell you, as long as you stay in 3D, you'll still be getting in little metal cans and air suits and going to planets. As soon as you begin the quantum age, however, you will simply wish yourself there, because you will be entangled with everything and can go with intent. If you don't believe this now, you will later, for what I give you is true. It may be lifetimes and lifetimes from now, but the group that is before me is the group that is going to come back over and over. The difference is that you're done coming back in an old energy. This is a new energy..

When you come back, dear one, everything you know will be in your DNA and be on top [available]. You're not going to have to go through what you did before. As soon as you decide to look around and open the door [metaphor for free choice to awaken], everything you've learned this time around will be right there.

This is the attribute of what you would call "a child of new consciousness," which you have labeled with a color - indigo. The child remembers who they are. They are conceptual, and you believe they have to be taught from scratch! Hardly! They remember! Do you understand what is taking place? We told you this last time, but we want to review something with you: The animal on the prairie drops its calf and within hours, the calf is up, running with the herd. Did you know that the calf instantly knows who its enemies are, what water to drink that doesn't smell right, and what berries to eat that are not poison? Where did that come from? How did that infant animal know these things? The answer is that this information was biologically inherited. You call it instinct. But when you have a Human baby - nothing! It doesn't know anything but that it's hungry. It requires 20 years of teaching! Aren't you tired of that? Did you ever think about why the animals have so much knowledge to begin with and you have so little? Does that seem correct for the top of the evolutionary ladder? It's time for that to change.

You're starting to see it, even with the indigos. They come in knowing. That's why they're so impatient. You're trying to teach them things they already know instinctively. Just like the calf on the prairie, they come in knowing. Some of them try to teach you. That doesn't always go well. That was question three...."

"The Quantum Factor" – Apr 10, 2011 (Kryon channeled by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Galaxies, Universe, Intelligent design, Benevolent design, Aliens, Nikola Tesla (Quantum energy), Inter-Planetary Travel, DNA, Genes, Stem Cells, Cells, Rejuvenation, Shift of Human Consciousness, Spontaneous Remission, Religion, Dictators, Africa, China, Nuclear Power, Sustainable Development, Animals, Global Unity.. etc.) - (Text Version)

"..... DNA - A Quantum Force 

Now we get to the core truth, don't we? So I will tell you. The ninety percent of DNA which is quantum, is filled with information, both esoteric and timeless. It is a quantum blueprint for everything you are and have been since you arrived on the planet the first time. DNA contains instruction sets for your life; everything from your full Akashic Record - every single lifetime you have had - to the benevolent creator's fingerprint within the seeds of creation itself. Every single talent you ever had is there, even if you don't have any of those today... the record is there. Every predisposition of weakness and strength are there. Biologically, every single instruction to every single stem cell is there. . ..."

"..... DNA is a Dynamic Molecule, not a static one.

Humanity is stuck in the 3D portion of their biological thinking. In your 3-D life, you simply accept the chemistry you're given. You act as though the three percent gene producing part is all there is. You believe it is a chemical protocol that is unchangeable and simply "you." You don't see it for the way it's designed. It's dynamic and always has been. It's not set, but will continue to simply repeat what it does unless there is another quantum influence on it.

Therefore you live with the 3 percent as though it were all there is, and since it just "came with your body" and seems to control everything, you never talk to it. Many of you come in with pre-dispositions based upon the karma which is put upon you from your past lives. You don't come in clean [without karmic energy]. Instead, you arrive with pre-dispositions, fears and phobias. Some are positive. Perhaps you come in as a prodigy continuing your last life... the 8-year-old who can paint like a master and do brushstrokes that take 30 years to develop. What does that tell you about what must be in the DNA?

Perhaps you come in as the composer, the pianist, the prodigy, the violinist, just waiting until your hands can go on the fingerboard or can reach up and fret the notes. Perhaps you come in knowing how to play the piano, just waiting for your hands to get big enough to do what you used to do... without any lessons. How do you explain that, dear ones? The answer is that all this is contained in the dynamic quantum instruction sets of your DNA... the part you never talk to it. .."

Question: Dear Kryon, would you please tell me if Indigo Children and Star Children are the same? Can someone born in the 1960’s be an Indigo?

Answer: Dear Human, don’t get bogged within your linearity in these things. You wish to compartmentalize everything, and thereby feel more comfortable in your understanding. Know this: All children being born on the planet have strong potential to be of the Indigo consciousness. Within that group there are many parts and attributes. What you have called a “Star Child” is a type of Indigo. The same goes for the “Crystal Children.”

Years ago we identified a new breed of Human that was slowly being introduced to earth. Now they are so plentiful that many are beginning to notice and categorize them. Our admonition is NOT to, but we know that sometimes make you feel better to do so. Another name for these “Star Children” are the Interdimensional or even the Interplanetary, if you wish.

As far as the potential of those born before or during the 1960’s: The answer is yes, but with a qualification. The “pure” Indigo Children have really only been arriving slowly for the past 25 or 30 years, but there are many who have what we call an “Indigo overlay.” This is Human who fits the generalizations, but without some of the absolutes that are buried in what you call the DNA that really qualify this new Human experience.

— Kryon

Fans of British singer David Bowie were stunned by his death on January 10, just
two days after releasing an acclaimed album, "Blackstar" (AFP Photo/FRANCK FIFE)

"THE THREE WINDS" – Feb 23-24, 2013 (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll) (Subjects: Humanity, Home - other side of the veil, Wind of Birth - Birth, Wind of Existence - Life, Wind of Transition - Death) (Text version)

“… The Human Spiritual System

The puzzle during your life is about how much of this truth of being part of the creator you can accept. How far can you open the quantum door to see this truth when you are alive? This single attribute determines how enlightened you become during life. Listen: It's not how much knowledge and experience in is your Akash, but how much you allow yourself to believe it. There are many old souls on this planet who have an amazing amount of spiritual learning, yet they don't want to touch that "spiritual jar" within them at this point in their lives. This is the free choice of the Human Being we speak about.

There is immense planning that puts you at the Wind of Birth. What did you accomplish during the last lives, if anything? Who were you and what did you do? What energies did you start that were not complete that you wish to continue? What soul group were you in? Who were your parents? Are you in certain soul agreements to become their grandchildren? That is more common than you think! There are so many things that go into the planning of the "entry energy" of your life, and each life potential is different and unique. The planning is done by you when you have "the mind of God" on my side of the veil.

Humans don't like the fact that there is no generic spiritual instruction manual that states, "Here is what happens and here is what to do." Listen, dear ones, humanity is honored way above that! Are all your children the same? Do books on how to raise children always work for your child? The answer is no, because each soul is totally unique. But Humans still wish to have a list of things to do and not to do, as though each soul somehow came out of a spiritual machine that made them all the same. No. Instead, Spirit honors each soul with unique choice and a tremendous variety of energy selections.

The Great Artists

There are certain attributes that Humans receive on the planet, and we'll call them creative attributes. These are almost quantum attributes that may take several lifetimes to complete. What often happens to these creatives is that they go through a series of lifetimes as though it were one in order to have completion of their creative cycle. Famous artists will come back, and the first thing they want to do is pick up a brush and continue what they did before. Famous composers, famous poets and sculptors will come back and simply keep going! It's so obvious, yet you deny this in your scientific way.

So the creatives are different from the others, and their puzzle is to bring the planet the greatest treasures of art through a unified series of lives, yet personally they try to sort out the puzzle of "what they carry inside is valuable, but nobody knows it". If you've noticed, most of the great artists who have even lived and are here today carry a burden that is easily identified as "lack of self-worth". Do you see the set-up? It's ripe for personal discovery, isn't it? So can you see the Human standing in the Wind of Birth, ready to continue what they only began last time? With the "mind of God", there is a smile on their face as they hear the music that they will compose, for it's with them when they arrive.

As you stand at the Wind of Birth, you are completely and totally a unique creature with incomplete energies. It takes more than one short earthly life to create Human attributes that grow into maturity. Even non-creatives (most of you) have a lineage of starting something that never got fully completed. Sometimes it's within relationships. Sometimes it's learning or teachings. Old souls are good at this coming and going and often pick up where they leave off as they slowly change the planet by their very presence upon it. The old soul is, "Sewing the seeds of light on the carpet of linear time, not even knowing that he will also be harvesting those exact mature plants of wisdom as he returns in a subsequent life."

Therefore, dear one, you don't arrive with a blank slate, but you have to know that, don't you? The old soul feels it. The only ones who arrive with a completely blank slate are the newbies [first timers] and we'll talk about that in the next wind. But this is a room of old souls who are hearing and reading right now. Each of you is here with a spiritual jar that is filled with the experience of living on Earth, and sometimes even the attribute of "awakening to your own mastery".  ….”

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Evolution – Future Scenarios – (Kryon Channelling by Lee Carroll), April 15, 2018

Lee Carroll
To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even clearer understanding. Sometime information is even added or condensed. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given in West Virginia.

Greetings, dear ones, I Am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This will be a different kind of channelling. It is not a standard message, but instead it is the presentations of three future potentials that you may indeed see. This meeting is being put on and hosted by what is called a "futurist". A futurist is one who dedicates his/her time in trying to predict coming systems in government, economics and potential inventions that might change a culture's future. This then allows humanity to prepare for things in a benevolent way when it happens. That is a futurist. So in honor of the futurist, I would like to paint a picture of three things that you might expect in your future.

One of the questions presented earlier today in the seminar was about electronics and machines and about the future of what you call "artificial intelligence". Where is it going? Is there danger to Human Beings because of it? Is humanity to go into a dark hole of its own creation because it made machines that turned against it? Is it going to do the kinds of things your science fiction movies have presented?

Here is the answer: "You don't know what you don't know." What that means is that your future is not predictable from anything you've experienced in the past. The evolution of circuitry, of artificial intelligence, of technology itself for the last 50 years will not apply to the next 50. The logic of the past presses on you to predict the future, but you can't. All of your fear of future artificial intelligence is based on your expectation that you will create machines that will have the same dysfunctional consciousness of fear, greed, hate and war called Human nature. It's really funny to consider that you are actually afraid you won't be able to control yourselves, and you will create a "thinking machine" that will have the very same broken consciousness you have. Systemic consciousness change is coming.

You simply can't predict a future where the only thing to compare it to is a past that you are moving away from. Example: Please give me the evolutionary ideas on the next generational advance for a better ice box. [Silence] Oh, you don't have them anymore? What happened? The answer is electricity. That would be a systemic change. When you have a huge systemic paradigm shift, do you think it would affect a prediction path you might try to predict? The answer is yes. So consciousness change would be a "spoiler", if you wish to say that, for the futurist's ability to predict the future.

Let me give you three future scenarios in a timeline that is not identified by years, but by a numeric order - one, two and three. So what this means is that there is no timeline for these potentials, but they indeed represent an evolutionary growth from one to the next.

Next, I want to tell you that everything I'm presenting has actually happened, but you haven't seen it yet. "Kryon, how is that possible? Are you talking about Earth?"  Indeed, I am not speaking about the earth. Remember, Old soul, you're not just an old soul, you're an extremely old soul. We gave a message some time ago that was titled, "How old are you?" It places your soul on other planets like the earth, going through shifts like the one you have now, only at different times way in the past.

Many of you are awakening to this attribute right now and are remembering what's coming and having feelings that you might have experienced it before. This esoteric remembrance is starting to temper your fear, which is often caused by what you see happening with humanity today. Change is sometimes fearful. But you are becoming more comfortable because at some level you remember where it might go. You have participated in "The Shift" before.

The future is completely dependent upon free choice. That's you, now, here on Earth. How fast the change happens is up to you and how fast consciousness moves is the same. You have free choice to stay in the dark or go into the light. You have free choice for slow or fast change. So if I said it would take 50 years or 100 years, I would be wrong. Faster or slower depends totally upon you and the Humans on this planet. There will be some surprises, and the surprises in technology will be surprises because nobody ever considered them due to what you haven't seen yet. Your expectations are all tempered by your past, and now they can't be.

Scenario Number One

Scenario one is not necessarily in the distant future, but it would be considered the first step of what is to come. The focus for the future of electronics is going to be Human health. Electronics is going to turn more inward into the individual's Human's ability to use technology for healing. Right now, electronic evolvement does not turn inward. It has always evolved outward. It has allowed you to speak to the world all at once and create networks that all can use at once. This is an outward evolution. But now I'm going to speak of electronics that will be turned inward and interface with a person's consciousness - an inward evolution. I give you the first scenario. It involves inventions that have not yet occurred and processes that are not yet understood.

The cancer patient reports to the hospital, lies down, and prepares. But the preparation is not for surgery. Instead, there's something else that's going to happen. A very tiny, small injection of something is going into her body - something that today, you wouldn't expect to work. "Oh, I know," thinks a reader. "It's evolved micro-robotics." It isn't. It's going to be biology, with parts no bigger than a cell you can barely discern.

We are speaking now of the evolvement of what you call stem cells. What if you could take a piece of your systemic cellular structure, one that belongs to your own system, which has a consciousness of you and the benevolence of you, and give it instructions to go to a diseased part of you and rejuvenate it? This is a part of your own system that would never hurt you, which is not artificial, but which is "instructable". The electronics involved will be part of the ability to give instructions and will help imbue your consciousness into the injected cell group to tell it what you want it to do. You are guiding this group of cells through the bloodstream on its way to destroying the tumor, but not in the way you are trying to do now within your medicine. Instead, the tumor is about to be "reprogrammed". Did you know that all disease has a program? Well, perhaps that's something you should work on. [Kyron smile] Disease actually has a "disease consciousness" and works with purpose. But it's not smart, and often doesn't understand that it's killing its host, but only sees growth as the end goal.

This cell group we are discussing is not a form of robotics. It's not artificial intelligence. It's you, inserting your own consciousness into your own body in a miraculous way through inventions that are not here yet. It's part biology, part machine, and part electronics. You will be using it all together in a benevolent scenario that gathers a specific energy around the tumor using a process you don't know about yet. The tumor reacts almost instantly, because it gets reprogrammed. Remember, it's alive, and it is not appropriate in your body. It begins to die right away. It is reprogrammed at a systemic, biological level.

What is it that can destroy disease this way? What you are viewing in this experience is the first wave of understanding of how your personal consciousness can be imbued into special cells that have been harvested from you for this purpose and actually given intent-based instructions. The tumor doesn't fight. It has no choice but to start immediately dying because it has been reprogrammed to "know" it is inappropriate. Is this possible? Is this even feasible? Oh yes! I've just given you a reality that will happen. Consciousness is no longer an elusive concept. It will be measured as energy and used appropriately as energy.

Scenario Number Two

What I have just given you is actually archaic compared to the second one. The cancer patient reports to a building and the building may have a sign that says:

The V Group - Complete and Total Healing!
One-stop Shopping for Disease Elimination

There will be competition within this process, since it is far more available to be created without medical procedures at all. For this reason, it improves and improves. The cancer patient goes into the building. This time, there is no injection.

What you are going to experience now is the evolution of what you call virtual reality. However, you can no longer call it virtual, since the seemingly artificial reality of it blurs into your own reality. Today, you have the beginning of it. You put on a pair of goggles and you can look around and experience an extremely realistic program. You can look around your area with 360-degree sight and see beautiful nature and experience places you can never go. Amazing as you might think this is, dear ones, that's a toy compared to what I'm going to show you next.

The cancer patient goes into the building and ends up in a large room with a very special apparatus. I won't describe the apparatus, for it may give away part of the process. Don't worry, it's coming. It will be invented. It's in the minds and the Akash of those who will do it.

As the apparatus is engaged, in a short time the patient is in another place with another reality. It's one that allows her to stand and walk and be normal, yet she is not really doing any of those things. So real is it that she can interface with others in this seeming simulation. She is not interfacing with a program, but with other intelligences that seem to be Human, because they actually are. The other Humans are in another part of the building, also interfacing with her through the apparatus. This event of hers requires almost the entire building and many other people. She is not alone. Nothing is artificial about the exchange, but everything is artificial that she sees and touches. Indeed, she knows this, but soon she won't remember it.

In this "other reality", she walks into a healing center. It's so real that she can feel the breeze in the park where she is and smell the grass. She walks into the building and uses the elevator, just as she would in her home town to visit her family doctor. The receptionist takes her name and interfaces with her and she even discusses her family a bit. No exchange is artificial. No intelligence is artificial, but everything she experiences otherwise is through the evolution of electronics that work with her consciousness.

The patient lies down on a couch and above her head is a large video-type screen. As the nurses move around her with objects having wires, her cancerous tumor comes into view on the screen. She is comfortable and in a position of muscular neutrality, as if she were about to take a nap, but she is wide awake and ultra-ready for a confrontation. There is nothing threatening around her at all, but it's so real she can touch and feel everything she sees. The screen above her continues to show the tumor, but she isn't apprehensive, for she knows what's coming. She is preparing for battle.

She is handed some kind of portable controller, where she is able to move a certain way and somehow affect the tumor and its surroundings. It would seem as though she is actually touching her own tumor using the controller, and each time she does, it responds and quickly tries to move away. The nurses warn her not to go too fast, and then they help guide her on what to do and how to move, then they cheer when she does it correctly. Also around her in the room she begins to hear some kind of songs or melodies that are familiar, and with the controller in her hands, she begins to interface with what is on the screen. She slowly sees that she is actually erasing the tumor on the screen. It objects and wiggles and slowly begins to shrink before her eyes. The staff is working with her and giving her more advice. "Watch the colors!" they tell her. "Move you controller with the colors! It's telling you what makes it uncomfortable!" The tumor is almost screaming and moving wildly. She continues to manipulate the controller. The songs and melodies continue, and she slowly realizes that she is singing along with them and smiling the whole time.

Dear ones, this woman is healing her own tumor! It is so real. She is in another world, an artificial world, but at the same time she is not really there at all. However, her body is seeing and feeling things so real that her blood pressure is reacting, her consciousness is reacting, she is sweating and her actual chemistry believes she is in this healing building working hard to outwit disease. In this amazing and extremely real virtual world, she start seeing her tumor being destroyed by her own hands, her own desire to be rid of it, and her own intention and hard work.

The tumor and the patient seem to be in heated battle and she is allowed to rest. She eats a virtual meal and feels it go down into her stomach, then she returns to the couch to continue the battle. This time the tumor seems to sense her coming and turns colors and moves without even being "touched". The woman is singing again. There is joy as she slowly, bit by bit, erases the tumor from her body. She feels the fatigue of the battle and the joy of victory as it shrinks and becomes smaller and smaller and disappears. No more motion, no more color changes.

The virtual experience lasts a full day. It is so real that she has several meals during that time and her body is actually nourished. Finally, she gets up to leave, but she is not done. Now she reports to another room for tests. The doctors interface with her and begin the standard tests they always have done. There's a needle prick and the drawing of blood - all as usual, all virtual. Then the staff returns with the results. She sees the chemistry and the charts and even the waste material where the tumor was, as its remains are being washed away by her system. The doctor smiles and tells her, "Congratulations! It's really gone," and there is a feeling of joy, elation and celebration.

When it's time for her to come back to the real world, they bring her back slowly. She didn't put on a pair of goggles, dear ones. I'm not going to tell you what she did, but it was complete, immersive, and it surrounded her. There was nothing like it - a virtual world almost as real as if you had stepped into another dimension. [Kryon smile]

When she is fully returned, nobody gives her a "real" test to find out how it worked, because everyone already knows: Complete healing. Her body and her system and her mind cognized the experience as though it were completely and totally real in every way. With the assistance from virtual patterning, which was actually hooked to her consciousness and "knew her", she walked away without cancer. That's the power of future electronics and technology. That's technology turning "inward". It's a future that recognizes what consciousness can do and how powerful the mind is. That's scenario two.

Scenario Number Three

There are always questions about the multidimensional Human Being. "Kryon, is it possible we can ever discover our own multidimensionality and, without any electronics or machines of any kind, change our chemistry in a process that is known, understood and intuitive?" Yes, dear ones. Yes.

The reason I am so certain of this is because this is your blueprint. This is what the whole design of DNA is for. This is the evolution I have spoken of. I'm not going to be able to tell you how long it may take, since the evolution time clock is controlled by the free-will consciousness of humanity. But let me introduce something in your body that actually is designed to do this kind of thing, but which is dysfunctional at the moment. It's something that you know about and have accepted "as is" in all its dysfunctional state. You don't even realize it's broken. You have never seen it any other way.

What we are speaking of is what you have called your "innate". How does it feel to be the highest evolved creature on the planet, with an intellect where you can examine your own existence, ask why you're here, feel the love of the creator, and even say the words, "I am that I am," yet have a part of your own body that is smarter than you are?

Kinesiology (muscle testing) has been used by practitioners and medicine for decades and decades in order to find answers to very simple questions regarding your body that your consciousness should actually know! Here is a statement of truth, and a difficult one for Humans to hear: Dear Human Being, your mind and consciousness, as amazing as you feel it might be, is currently completely separated from your chemistry, and that was never the design.

Let me ask you, logically, does it make sense to you that your biological blueprint would have created a "stupid", disconnected system? "Stupid" because it is counterintuitive to the entire "survival" instinct of every mammal on the planet! The answer is no. It's not logical and it doesn't help you survive at all. In fact, it's so dysfunctional that disease can attach itself to you and you won't know it for weeks until it really gets going. Then you go to the doctor and get the news.

Right now, this innate "smarter body" has to be accessed completely and totally separately through processes that are archaic. Indeed, it can give you signals if you ask, but it won't tell you anything that's happening in real time since there is no "bridge" of elegant connection to your mind that allows it. That missing bridge is what evolution will begin to build.

Innate, the smart body within the multidimensional Human Being, is going to evolve and begin to use that 24th pair of chromosomes that you think you don't have. We have given you the information in the past that you can only see 23 chromosome pairs with your modern equipment. The 24th is still there, but multidimensional. It is not yet understood, seen or recognized. There are actual hints that can be deciphered that would tell a biologist that "something is unbalanced and should be more complete," but the pair is basically invisible in 3D.

This multidimensional, 24th pair is the one the Pleiadians manipulated when they moved around your old linear set of chromosomes within your DNA to a set of apparently 23. This is what gave you the ability to have knowledge of the creator, God inside, the choice of high and low consciousness, and the ability to create elegant music, art, poetry and painting. It's your Adam and Eve story.

Dear ones, when consciousness starts to increase on this planet and you start to measure and use quantum things, number 24 will reveal itself within the double helix. Then you will have a revelation: "There's more than we thought!" That's when quantum patterning will begin to show itself, and chemistry and physics will be put together and studied in ways they always should have been.

"Kryon, what will be the result of this evolution?" The first thing that you'll start seeing are Human Beings born with a special consciousness where they can "sense" things within their own body and they will become their own healers due to it. They will know all about their blood chemistry without a test. They will know when any disease tries to attach to them, instantly the moment it happens, instead of waiting for something to grow inside them and create pain. They'll be their own medical intuitives. People will see the first stages of this and they'll say, "This is unbelievable. It's not right. It's abnormal. These people are odd and unusual." They will be isolated and tested, because they are evolved. Welcome to Earth, where advanced Humans are often hidden away and feared.

That's what you do, don't you? That's what you've done to the autistics in your culture. It's because you don't see it coming, do you? You don't see the savants in the future, do you? You only see an unusual set of children that have odd communication and who are difficult in an old energy. Since you don't really expect this evolution, you treat these things as sub-standard or difficult. These new autistics just yell, "I'm a nonlinear thinker! Find a way to communicate with me that is not linear!" Yet you are not ready to study what that might mean. These circumstances are actually starting to show themselves in so many ways. Look at what these special Humans can do that you can't, and that will give you a hint of who they are. This evolution is coming. That multidimensional piece of your DNA that you can't even see yet is going to bring your consciousness in line with your innate.

Let me finish with this: What is your innate attached to that is also a mystery that you cannot easily access? I speak again of what is called the Akashic Record of the Human Being. This is the record of all the energy, activity and history of your soul on the earth. Dear one, evolution within the new Human Being is going to connect you to your Akash.

What do you know about the Akash in the old energy? It's something that often bothers you because it only remembers negative attributes about your past lives. Akashic issues are the things that even today you work with to try and suppress. They are subtle and not part of the subconscious mind. They are often revealed by past-life readers or others who can "read" your Akash to the extent they are allowed. But this is all changing.

There will be a meld with the innate and your Akash that gives you full access to the wisdom of the past and full access to dismiss all negative things. This will be one of the most significant evolutionary steps of humanity, this marriage of the Akash, the innate and higher consciousness. That will truly reveal the multidimensional Human Being. When it takes place, you will then look at the facts and the history and realize that you are not from here at all, but that your DNA is from the stars. You'll begin to understand it all because it's all part of a scenario of connection, of a coherence with your brothers and sisters spread all across the skies. That is the future.

"How soon, Kryon?" Not soon enough, but you'll get there. Every single Human, using their free choice, will come back and come back and come back. Each time there will be improvement for a world that has great promise. This is different from before, dear ones, where you never evolved your consciousness and continued the dysfunction of war and other processes that never changed from century to century.

In the far, far distant future, there will come a time, dear ones, when it is your job to seed another civilization in some other far away place. This will give birth to compassionate action in other parts of this galaxy. Someday, you will work together to create another planet that has your stamp, your DNA, and you will introduce them to the creative source, just as it was given to you.

Are you getting this? Are you really understanding how important you are at this juncture of time? There are so many mysteries, you might say. But they will eventually all be revealed, and you'll be here for that. Don't fear these things, because they come from you, by design. That is the message for today.

And so it is.


Sunday, October 1, 2017

Verstappen wins Malaysian F1 Grand Prix in Sepang swansong

Yahoo – AFP, Daniel HICKS, Oct 1, 2017

Red Bull's Dutch driver Max Verstappen (C) celebrates on the podium after winning
the Malaysian Formula One Grand Prix in Sepang on October 1, 2017 as second-placed
Lewis Hamilton (L) and Australian driver Daniel Ricciardo (R) look on (AFP Photo/

Sepang (Malaysia) (AFP) - Red Bull's Max Verstappen won the final running of the Malaysian Grand Prix on Sunday as Mercedes' Lewis Hamilton finished second to extend his championship lead over Sebastian Vettel to 34 points.

Verstappen, who celebrated his 20th birthday a day earlier, overtook pole-sitter Hamilton on lap four before clinching the second victory of his career and first this season.

Mercedes driver Hamilton finished second with Red Bull's Daniel Ricciardo third and Vettel, who started at the back of the grid, fourth.

With five races to go, Hamilton is edging ever closer to the title but Ferrari had a weekend to forget, after Kimi Raikkonen didn't even make the starting grid and Vettel lost a rear wheel in a bizarre smash after the finish line.

Verstappen won by nearly 13 seconds from Hamilton to embellish what has been a tough season after he failed to finish seven races and only once reached the podium.

"The car was unbelievable, if I had to speed up I could. It was a very tough race and incredible to win," said the Dutchman.

Hamilton admitted the Mercedes had been second-best. "Big congratulations to Max and happy birthday, he did a fantastic job today," he said.

"The race was a tough one, obviously they just had the upper hand on us today... I feel good but I think we have some work to do with the car. Obviously we didn't have the pace this weekend."

Verstappen's Red Bull team-mate Ricciardo fought off a strong challenge from Vettel, who had started from the back following engine problems in qualifying.

"Seb came really quick at the end and I thought he was going to be a handful," said Ricciardo. "But he only had one strong attack and then we were able to pull away."

Ferrari's fortunes had dimmed when Kimi Raikkonen's car suffered a turbo failure before the start.

He was pushed back to the pit and the race was over before it had even begun for the former world champion, who had enjoyed his maiden win at Sepang in 2003.

'We ran out of tyres'

"Obviously we had some issue. I don't think any of us know what it is exactly. I'm pretty certain I would have had a very good car today," a disappointed Raikkonen told reporters.

Vettel, who led the championship until just a month ago, now has only five races left to overhaul Hamilton's big lead, starting next week in Japan.

"I think we have a very good car. If we start ahead, we win the race," he said. "We had a little bit of sniff at the podium but unfortunately we ran out of tyres."

Once past Hamilton, Verstappen started to pull away and by lap 14 he had a seven-second cushion.

Vettel was picking off the back markers with ease courtesy of his second new engine of the weekend, and emerged in fourth in front of Mercedes' Valtteri Bottas after they both pitted for new tyres.

As the top four entered the final 10 laps of the 56, Vettel set a new race lap record of 1min 33.864sec, smashing Juan Pablo Montoya's 2004 mark of 1:34.223, and was closing fast on Ricciardo's exhaust pipe.

Vettel made one daring attempt to grab the last podium spot up the inside of Ricciardo at the end of the pit straight with seven laps to go.

But the Australian closed him off and Vettel was forced to drop back and settle for fourth as his front tyres started to degrade.

The drama didn't end there as on his slow-down lap, Vettel collided with the Williams of Lance Stroll which left his Ferrari with one rear wheel on top of his car.

"That's impossible," Vettel thundered over the radio. "Stroll wasn't looking where he was going!"

It was the 19th and last Malaysian Grand Prix at steamy Sepang.

The race will disappear from the calendar after Malaysia's government decided it would no longer cover the $67 million a year cost of staging the loss-making event.

Max Verstappen celebrates his first Grand Prix win, taking the top spot in Spain
 on May 15, 2016 and becoming the youngest ever Formula One winner at 18 years
of age (AFP Photo/Lluis Gene)

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Let me tell you what the message is that is being communicated: Unlock to 44 percent! This is the message: The Human race has passed the marker and is ready for the next step in evolution. I am talking about the old soul. You are the ones who will be first to get this message. It is you, and some of your "old soul" children, who are starting to feel and accept this!

Let me tell you in this lesson today that the first thing that this unlocking will begin to create is what we're going to call Akashic acuity. You're going to start remembering, and it's about time. Can you celebrate this? It's about time that when you're born you don't start from scratch, in the dark, and doing everything all over again. Instead, you remember!

I want to talk to some individuals who are listening to this and are in this room. Have your grandchildren had the audacity to tell you who they used to be? Don't raise your hand; I know you're here. They feel it, and they know it, and out of the mouths of these babes come the most profound information that this planet has ever heard! They knew who they were! Some will point their fingers at you and say, “Don't you remember? I was your mum in another life.” That's a bit disconcerting, isn't it?

I want you to remember one of the premises of incarnation, the one that we have given you over and over. You incarnate in family groups. There's a reason for this, so there is comfort and joy. It's so you don't have to learn the energy of each related person, all over again, each time. The energies of the family stay together and you can accomplish more that way. There's always a benevolent reason for these things. Every single attribute of the esoteric system of life, whether it's your grids or reincarnation, is benevolent. Did you hear that? It's a beautiful system, and not random. It's not about judgment; it's not about punishment. It is, instead, about the love of God for you, and what I'm about to tell you is what is changing is energy.

Akashic Acuity

So we have established that you are moving into this new radiation, and we have established that it intersects the sun. The sun blasts your magnetic field with it (via the solar wind) and the magnetic field talks to your DNA. Suddenly, there is the potential some of your DNA is being unlocked. The attributes of unlocking Akashic acuity will help you to remember who you've been. Now, with this remembrance comes energy - not about who you were, but rather it gives you the energy of what you did. I don't mean physically; I mean energetically and mentally. Old souls carry with them experience. When you look into the eyes of a child, you're going to see wisdom just waiting to break out. Dear ones, these children are different. They are not going to go through what you did! They have a whole new set of issues, and most of their issues are trying to navigate the old issues you create for them!

There's something we brought up in a former channelling called the wisdom factor. Now, the wisdom factor is caused by Akashic acuity. After living Human life over and over, you start remembering the wisdom that you have gained through these past lifetimes. You don't necessarily remember who you were, but rather the fact that you were at all and the experiences you had. Imagine a child coming into the planet knowing how to read? Imagine a child coming into the planet knowing not to touch something hot? Where did it come from? You're going to see more of this, and a feeling of "been there, done that".

Akashic acuity is remembrance of experience during past lifetimesAs the child grows, that remembrance becomes pure wisdom. As the child starts to awaken and the pineal opens, something else happens. The grid starts talking to the child through the DNA, and in the grid is also the information from the time capsules we spoke about in past channellings. The time capsules start feeding the planet with increased wisdom and knowledge. You don't have to reincarnate to awaken even further! Akashic acuity means suddenly Humans know more than other children have in the past - much more. …”